The Planter Planted!

Update – 24th January 2020

A big thanks to The Vineries for planting up the new planter in Church Road. It’s been a long haul getting it in place. After receiving the money from Mole Valley Council and permission from Surrey County Council, I ordered a black planter to match the black and gold litter bins. As sod’s law would have it, the bins were changed to green and gold… and when the planter eventually arrived it was white! As there was now no possibility of matching anything, we’ve allowed it to stay. Chandlers Building Supplies very kindly moved the planter off the pallet (I never knew this was going to be necessary) and one of our tree wardens, Chris, removed the metal struts enabling The Vineries to plant it up. We now have plants at either end of Bookham’s shopping area helping to enhance the area and improving our green credentials.

10th December 2019

You may have seen a large concrete flying saucer shaped object sitting on a pallet appear by the shops in Church Road and wondered what on earth it might be! Well to brighten up the shopping area in the north of the village centre new planter has been installed.

BRA Tree Warden, Frances Fancourt, lead the project coordinating with Surrey County Council and Marshalls the planter supplier.

When the planter arrived we had the challenge of how to move the planter off the delivery pallet and on to the pavement. We are very grateful to Chandlers Builders Merchants (their premises are on the A246) who came to the rescue and on wet and windy day the team arrived with their crane and set up the planter up for us.

The next step will be be to prepare the planter for planting which will be completed by  The Vineries. It should be a riot of colour in the Spring! 

Photos by Frances Fancourt.


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