Donations Policy

The Bookhams Residents’ Association (BRA) is a voluntary membership organisation that is open to all residents and is independent of political parties. The BRA provides a consultative link between residents, Councillors, public authorities and utility services, and co-ordinates voluntary services in the neighbourhood. Within its limited means, and within its objectives and purpose, the BRA occasionally makes donations to other local organisations.

  • Donations to organisations within the Bookhams should only be made to those organisations whose objects and purposes are consistent with those of the Association (see below).
  • Donations to organisations outside the Bookhams should only be made to those organisations that have the potential to be of benefit to the residents of the Bookhams.
  • Donations should not replace funding that could be provided by public bodies.
  • Donations should not be provided to individuals or businesses apart from circumstances whereby the BRA considers that the benefit provided meets the objectives.
  • Donations up to £200 will be determined by the Chairman and Treasurer and will be reported at the next regular meeting of the BRA.
  • Donations should be limited to a maximum of £200 unless approval to exceed this amount is given by the Board of Directors and will be reported at the next regular meeting of the BRA.

Objects and Purposes
  •  To influence the development and management of the Bookhams,
  •  To maintain the natural beauty and community facilities in their surroundings,
  •  To establish and support any charitable trusts, associations or institutions formed for any or all of the Objects.

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