Blue Hearts Update

Further to our previous article on the Blue Heart signs in place on some of the A246 verges which have been left unmown this summer to allow wildflowers to bloom and encourage a diversity of pollinators.

  • The verges on the A246 lived up to our expectations with a variety of wildflowers continuing to flower as the summer progressed. 
  • Picture of one of our A246 hearts shared on Facebook got used in a BBC online article about Blue Hearts and their campaign in Leicestershire. Read more on the BBC Web site 
  • The Blue Heart idea has been enthusiastically taken up by The Grange at Bookham.  One of their volunteers made us some more blue hearts which have now been decorated beautifully by Angela Jones including a Grange logo.  The Grange have already trialled leaving a stretch of their front verge unmown and it is now adorned by three of Angela’s hearts.  More areas are planned for next year.  We hope to use some of the Grange hearts to mark further main road verges on the A246 and outside Lower Road Rec which were left uncut this year.
  • Residents in Barn Meadow Lane and Woodlands Road are also embracing Blue Hearts for their own wildflower patches.
  • Happy to advise people how to make their own hearts and demonstrate their artistic talents on the decoration.
The team behind the Bookham Blue Hearts now have a Facebook page @bookhambluehearts which you can like/follow and can also be contacted at bookhambluehearts@gmail.com or by leaving a message on the BRA Message Line: 0300 030 9890.


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