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Latest news for Bookham Businesses

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July 3, 2024

MVDC Bookham High Street Master Plan

The BRA’s aspiration for the retail/business areas in and around central BookhamThis ‘Think Piece’ is in response to Mole Valley District Council’s (MVDC) project to create a “Master Plan” for the centre of Bookham.  We understand the plan is to focus on the central retail/business area of Bookham including the Lower Shott, High Street, and Church Road – collectively referred to as “the High St”. ...

June 22, 2024

June 2024 Newsletter

The BRA June 2024 Newsletter has been published and the print version will be distributed to all households in Bookham by our team of Road Stewards. In this edition our lead articles are the Preston Farm planning application, Main Modifications to the MVDC Draft Local Plan and progress on the new Lower Road Youth & Community Centre. People ask why we produce a print version of the Newsletter. It's a very simple answer. Not everyone in the village has access to a PC, tablet or smart pho...

June 6, 2024

Surrey Highways - road works in Mole Valley and Guildford (updated weekly)

Click on the images below for roadworks in the Mole Valley area and Guildford areas. On the SCC page scroll down for completed and utility works....

May 19, 2024

Planning applications in Bookham: (rolling eight weeks)

Each week MVDC publish planning applications that have been registered across the district. Click on the button below to  see an extract of the applications made in Bookham. You may comment on planning applications on the Mole Valley District Council web site. The BRA seeks to preserve the character of the Bookhams by reviewing all planning applications in the village and submitting letters of representation as appropriate. Where relevant the BRA will object to or support commerci...

May 17, 2024

Supplementary submission to Planning Application MO/2024/0096: Land north of Lower Road and west of Little Bookham St.

The representation stage of this planning application has now closed. MVDC have advised that the Applicant (Thakenham Homes) has submitted additional information.The BRA Planning Team has examined this additional information in close detail and has found nothing that has led us to amend the views and statements set out in our initial Letter of Representation dated 20th March 2024, where we strongly objected to the proposed development. The BRA Planning team have yet again produced...

May 11, 2024

SCC Grass Cutting Schedule

Surrey County Council (SCC) has recently introduced an interactive map which shows the grass verge cutting schedule across the county. If you have a verge outside your residence you may zoom in on the map to see the schedule for the season. Enter your road name or postcode in the search box to go to your location and then click on the green verge on the map to show your schedule. (Note: you may need to zoom out a little to see all of your road).Please bear in mind that the dates given are estima...

April 15, 2024

Oak Processionary Moth (OPM)

Bookham is classified as being in the Established Area for OPM. As such the Forestry Commission does not offer a free tree spraying service. However if residents want to have their Oak trees sprayed and / or have nests removed in a private capacity the Forestry Commission has an approved list of pest control contractors in the South East who are trained and equipped to carry out OPM control work. ...

April 7, 2024

BRA Response to Preston Farm Planning Application Submitted

Les Huett - BRA Communications reports:On 21st March, following more than 200 hours of research, verification, and drafting, the BRA Planning Team has submitted a Letter of Representation (LoR) concerning the Preston Farm Planning Application to Mole Valley District Council. (The site is officially designated as the land north of Lower Road and west of Little Bookham Street, reference number: MO/2024/0096).The LoR is an outstanding piece of work. The thought, care and dedication shown to Bookham...

March 21, 2024

UPDATE: Preston Farm Planning Application Consultation closes on Thursday 21st March

(Site officially known as: Land north of Lower Road and west of Little Bookham Street). Application reference: MO/2024/0096In our last email, we said the BRA would be commenting on the Preston Farm planning application. Our detailed Letter of Representation is currently being finalised and will be submitted by the deadline of 21st March. We will comment on our concerns regarding:Access and trafficGreen BeltNatural drainage and flood riskSewerage and drainageTrees and heritage assetsInfrastr...

March 18, 2024

BRA Tree wardens plant five "birthday" heritage apple trees at Lower Shott

Tree Warden Frances Fancourt reports:The Bookham Tree Wardens have planted five heritage apple trees at Lower Shott. The trees were donated by Gillian Bailey which Gillian has funded in honour of her 80th birthday. The variety planted  is "Claygate Pearmain".Incidentally, in 1973 Gillian planted the big walnut tree in the High Street outside Layton's greengrocers. It grew from a big walnut tree, now lost, which grew behind what is now Tesco. In 1973 Dutch elm disease had decimated the Briti...

March 9, 2024

Preston Farm Planning Application: Consultation now live.

Application reference MO/2024/0096As expected, following the decision by Mole Valley District Council to resume HM Government's examination of the Local Plan, Thakeham Homes have submitted an outline major planning application for the parcel of land extending from the north of Lower Road to Fox Lane and west of Little Bookham Street, Little Bookham.  The application was made on 22nd January but wasn't published until 16th February by MVDC with 50 documents associated with the applicati...

February 27, 2024

Hedgerow planting at the Tithe Barn: Tree Warden news

BRA Tree Warden, Frances Fancourt reportsOn Sunday 4th February the 1st Fetcham Scouts and the 1st Fetcham Cubs joined the Bookham Tree Wardens to plant a hedgerow at the Tithe Barn in Little Bookham. A new native hedgerow was being planted to screen off a set of solar panels and to improve the biodiversity of the area. The mix of plants included hawthorn, beech, hazel and rose, all of which benefit wildlife and are suitable for the  horses in the fields alongside. The owners of the Tithe B...

February 19, 2024

Free street trees on your verge!

BRA Environment and Tree Warden - Frances Fancourt reports: It is now possible to apply for a street tree to be planted on your verge for FREE. As Surrey County Council (SCC) want to plant 1.2 million trees, they are now offering free street trees: you just have to apply and have a suitable verge.The council will check to make sure that your verge is suitable and will ask in return that you to help water the tree. You may be able to choose the type of tree too, as long as it is suitable for the ...

February 13, 2024

Village sign storm damage repaired

Following storm damage to the the village sign in January the BRA team, lead by Geoff Tranter, have leapt in to action with local contractors and the broken post supporting the village sign has been replaced and the sign is back in place.If only our request to MVDC to provide power to illuminate the sign could be implemented as quickly. (no action for three years now...)Les HuettBRA Communications...

February 13, 2024

MVDC Councillors vote to un-pause Local Plan Examination

On 25 January 2024 Mole Valley Council voted to un-pause its Local Plan and inform the HM Government Inspector to continue with the draft Local Plan examination which will include all Green Belt sites. This means a majority of Councillors voted to sacrifice the Green Belt sites in the Plan for development. An option to remove the Green Belt sites in the Plan was available, but they chose not to. You can watch a recording of the meeting online at:

January 26, 2024

Is this our last chance to save our Green Belt? MVDC Local Plan - Extraordinary Council Meeting 25th January, 7.00pm.

You may recall that in December 2022 MVDC requested examination of the Local Plan by the Inspector to be paused due to changes in the Government's National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). After nearly a year, in December 2023 the Government issued new legislation.In this legislation Government has stated that Local Plans that are in the final stages of examination should continue using the previous examination legislation and the new NPPF should only be used for new Local Plans. This puts...

January 20, 2024

Bookham's Green Belt and the MVDC Local Plan

Extraordinary MVDC Councillors meeting 25th Jan at 7.00 pm. View onlineOn 5th January 2024 the Leader of MVDC, Cllr Stephen Cooksey, issued a statement about the future of the Local Plan (statement below for reference).Since the statement was made, the BRA understands the Council is to hold an Extraordinary Council Meeting on 25th January at 7.00 pm to decide what the next steps should be for the MVDC Local Plan.   The BRA has asked Local Councillors to listen to resident's views,...

January 10, 2024

Michael Anderson

BRA President, Peter Seaward reports:It is with great sadness that we wish to inform residents that well known village community supporter Michael Anderson passed away just before Christmas 2023. Michael was a wonderful and very long serving friend of all of us here in Bookham. For many years he a was Liberal Councillor for Bookham, and during that time was also a Leader of Mole Valley District Council. He became a member of the BRA Committee and collaborated with us all for well over 20 years. ...

January 3, 2024

Is Bookham a safe place to live? Inspector James Green of Surrey Police provides confirmation that it is.

Following on from some disturbing serious offences in the village recently, the BRA was approached by Surrey Police asking for assistance in communicating with the local community to allay concerns that residents may have. This is something the BRA is more than happy to facilitate and on 25th October a public meeting open to all residents was held at Bookham Baptist Church.BRA’s Geraldine Brassett reports:This proactive approach by Surrey police was positively received and residents were ...

November 16, 2023

Not sure who to report a street cleaning request or pothole to? BRA Launches a Quick Link Service Request Portal

Not sure who to report a street cleaning request or overhanging branches or a pothole to? Our Councils have multiple responsibilities and it is often a challenge to find out which Council and Council department is responsible for what. To help residents make a service request the Bookhams Residents’ Association (BRA) have set up a Quick Links reporting  and service request portal which take you directly to relevant council department and reporting forms in  one click.We all know how ...

October 30, 2023

Fetcham & Bookham Repair Cafe

St Mary’s Church Fetcham, and Bookham and Horsley Rotary Clubare working together to create and support a monthly FaB (Fetcham and Bookham) Repair Cafe. This will take place in St Mary's church hall, off The Ridgeway and their target launch date is Saturday 3rd February 2024.At the Repair Café you’ll find expert volunteers with repair skills in allkinds of fields that may include clothes, electrical appliances, bicycles, woodwork, IT, toys, etc.If you are interested in helping in some way: ...

October 11, 2023

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle around Bookham service updated

The search tool developed by the BRA on behalf of Plastic Free Bookham  allowing you to find what and where you can can recycle has been updated with the latest recycling guidelines including DIY waste that can now be taken to Community Re-cycling Centres. For example you can now recycle all brands of coffee cups at Coast Coffee.Click on the button below to find out what and where you can recycle!...

September 14, 2023

After 20 years Peter Seaward retires as BRA Chairman

I’ve known Peter since 2016.  I very quickly saw what an untiring force for good Peter is across the Bookhams; and how respected he and the BRA was, and still is, by MVDC and SCC officers and members, and other local groups alike.  His knowledge of the Bookhams and the North of Mole Valley, as well as his list of contacts is encyclopaedic.  He is also a skilled and determined ‘arranger’ – which explains why I’m standing here now!Peter’s retirement marks the end of an e...

August 12, 2023

Mole Valley District Council Urges Action in Response to Bank Closures

Mole Valley District Council (MVDC) asked residents and businesses to share their views regarding bank closures in the district, via a survey. The survey received a total of 2,148 responses and the next step is to submit a community request to LINK for banking hubs in Mole Valley.  The responses to the survey were a mix of online and handwritten submissions from across the district, from residents, businesses and employees, and were overwhelmingly in support of banking hubs. Many resid...

August 11, 2023 Posts 1-25 of 125 | Page next

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